Thursday, November 10, 2011

A Little Bit of Everything...

So let's just admit something... I'm terrible at blogging. I tell myself all the time, "Chelsea- don't you remember you have a blog? Oh, you do? Then BLOG!" Well it never happens. Life is just too hectic. For some reason, I thought before I started the blog that I would have sooo much time for it. Ha! I should have know better :)

So life right now is getting really interesting. I'm currently doing my Administrative Externship for my Medical Assisting program at a local community health network. This place is awesome! I absolutely love it. They do visiting nurses, private duty care, home health, hospice, inpatient hospice, adult day care, and something that is my favorite... the Angel Foundation. The Angel Foundation grants wishes to terminally ill adults. So it's like Make-A-Wish for adults. I love it and have even witnesses a wish being granted. Check it out at: . It's one of the few in the country and the only one in the state of Ohio.

So I have my externship, papers galore due for school, the realization that the semester is quickly coming to an end and a ton of weddings coming up! I believe there are 4 weddings in a matter of 5 weeks.

In other noteworthy news, I took some more senior pictures two weeks ago. We are splitting B's sessions up into the fall and spring. Here's a few to wet your whistle:

"B" is such a beautiful young lady!

I just love the VW library. I was so excited
when we decided to take some pictures there.

This spot was totally by chance. We planned on
taking pictures on the other side of the fence,
but found this slice of heaven instead...


I think this is a keeper :)

Umm.. delicious anyone? Definitely my
All-Time favorite

It also helps when your client has an
amazing yard with awesome lighting
streaming through the trees.

Thanks "B" for letting my take your senior pictures! I hope you enjoy them as much as I do and I really am looking forward to the spring so we can take pictures again. Oh- did I mention this gal is a very talented artist? No? Well she is and we have a very creative plan in store for the spring session with some of her oil drawings. I'm excited! :)

So this lucky lady gets to spend THREE WEEKENDS in a row with her best friend! Can you tell that I'm excited? I just hope she doesn't get sick of me... not that I think that can really happen. I'm telling you, I'd be lost without Liss sometimes. I'm so thankful for such a good, Christian, caring, open friend!

Boy- I feel like I just ramble the most random things off here. Well, if you made it this far- I'll leave you with a little thought. In my daily devotional today, it penned the thought of in everything you do, think on God. It said, when life gets boring during the day, fill it with prayers and praise. Angry at someone? Don't dwell on them, but on Him. Let Him be the one that consumes your thoughts and feelings. Having a bad day? Reflect on all the good things He has done for you. Rejoice in His love and remember the Sacrifice on Calvary. Lay it all on the alter! It's so good to hear, but so hard to live. I definitely struggle with this. Lord- may my day be filled with praise for You. May my mind wander to Your glory and Love. Lord, help me to break the chains of bondage and fully give myself to You. You are my heart's desire. I so want that Heavenly reward! I ache to be Home with you and away from the worldly desires and temptations. Mold me. Shape me. Lead me.

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