Sunday, September 11, 2011


So today marks the 10th anniversary of the terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center, Pentagon, and the Pennsylvania field. It's hard to believe that it's been 10 years already. Where were you on that September day?

I was in fifth grade. Our class was in Music and our teacher came in and pulled our Music teacher into the hallway. When our Music teacher came back, she told us we had to go back to our classroom. We could tell something was up. When we returned to our room, Mrs. Peck (our teacher) said she had something to tell us, but had to wait for Mr. Bok's class (the other 5th grade class) to join us. Mr. Bok took apart the accordion wall between our classrooms and his kids came and sat with us. They preceded to tell us that there had been a terrorist attack on the World Trade Center in NYC. They weren't sure exactly what had happened, but felt we needed to be in touch with it. They turned on the TV and turned off the lights. There on the screen was Tower 1. Burning. The newsman was talking about a plane crashing into the tower. And then a classmate yell, " There's a second plane!" We saw the second plane hit the second tower. We just sat in awe. Soaking up everything that was happening. Then the towers fell. We saw people jumping for the towers, knowing there was no hope of them surviving. Then the pentagon was attacked, and Flight 93.

We were given the choice to go to recess after lunch or  watch the media coverage in our room. I chose the media coverage along with some other kids. This was huge! We knew our lives had changed.

When I got home that day, my mom just hugged me and cried. She said she hadn't heard until a customer came to the market and told her. That night we were in the barn working on Indian corn listening to the radio and hearing President Bush talk. It was a beautiful day and a more beautiful and  peaceful evening. I don't think I have ever heard the countryside so quiet before.

I had never been more proud to be an American that day and the days following. I was grateful that my family was safe and mourned for those who lost. 9/11 had such a huge impact on everyone's life. It influenced my dad's cousin Curt to enlist. I'm so proud of him, and grateful he's been home for several years now. I'm thankful that Grover Hill Elementary told their students that day. My brother was never informed in junior high and the other two elementaries never told their students. Our nation became One Nation Under God again.

During the afternoon service today at church, I decided to take a walk to the cemetary. You see, a classmate and my neighbor Nate died the day after we graduated two years ago. I sat by Nate on September 11, 2001. I thought it only necessary to go talk to him and tell him that I remember being with him 10 years ago today in Mrs. Peck's class and we watched our world change forever.

In the ten years since, there has been a lot of change. We've lost loved ones, but have seen new ones born. Changed our lifestyles and moved on to the next stage of life. Maybe even fell in love. But in my ten years, I just grateful that I have a God that has helped me, shaped me, molded me, and loved me.  We don't know what will happen in the next ten years, but I know one constant, God will be with me and I pray you can say the same.

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