Thursday, September 8, 2011

It's the little things...

Well after a frustrating customer today, I grabbed a mini Starburst that was sitting on the counter. You see, my momma is awesome. Whenever it gets close to Halloween, she always buys like 3 bags of mixed candy (at a time:) ) for the market. So I opened the rapper and there they were... the two WORST KINDS! Orange and yellow. Come On! Not Today!!! Where are the good flavors? The red and pink? I never get the red and pink. I don't like I've ever had a double pink! So upset I ate the orange and the yellow. The whole time thinking they were disgusting. I wearily walked back over to the bag and thought, "This hasn't been a good day. I deserved another one." I picked one out, opened it up... and there... shining like a shine from God...double pink Starbust! Instantly I thanked God and my mood brightened quickly. Ah, Thank You Lord!

Another bonus, mom and I made some zucchini bread for the freezer today and I am trying to master the art of freezer salsa. I hope it works out. I just have to remind myself it's in the freezer in February. If not, it might be a few years until we find it again :) I will have to say I make good salsa (Thanks Jason L.) and my momma can make a mean zucchini bread. It's even better with butter and strawberry jam!

Well since I know Liss is like to only one who reads this sad little blog, I'll mention her. She is my awesome friend who I would be lost without. It's sad that we live three hours apart, but that's not the worst part. When you are young(er) and people try to teach you about being an adult, they fail to mention that your life will be so busy, you have to plan a good month to two months in advance to see your best friend. Liss and I were trying to find a free weekend to see each other. This is how the conversation went:

Liss: Well I'm open this weekend
Me: No this weekend won't work
Liss: Ok I have a wedding the next weekend and something the weekend after that.
Me: Ok Well I can't do the first weekend in October
Liss: Me too. What about the following weekend?
Me: Possible. I know I can't do the last two weekends in October.
Liss: Ok that puts us at November!
Liss/Me: Let's plan on the second week of October then.

Perfect! It's sad we are so busy with school, life, work, school, work, life, school that we have to actually plan in advance. But hey, I get to see her and here wonderful family in a month! I'm sure we will have a Blennerhassett good time:)

Well I really should be doing my Diagnostic Coding homework, but instead I'm blogging. Maybe I'll just go relax in my comfy chair. Homework can wait until sometime convenient. Blessings!

1 comment:

  1. You're fabulous :) I'm glad you could see God so easily today!!! and I'm also very, very, very glad that you chose to put that conversation of us up here instead of some others!

    blennerhassett... oohhhhh blennerhassett!

