Sunday, September 4, 2011

It's a beautiful day...

Well the sunset tonight was AMAZINGLY BEAUTIFUL! Thank you Lord for your awesome painting tonight. I don't know about you, but I sure feel a lot closer to Him when I look at the sky, see a beautiful sunrise/sunset, or gaze at the abundant stars. It's like His constant reminder to us all that He is here! He is BIG! HE LOVES US! How lost we can get sometimes. Excuse me, how easily we can get lost and forget to just stop, take it in, and say, "Thank you Lord. You are amazing, loving, all-powerful, and my Father!"

Here's a view of the sunset starting from our front porch

Since we have woods across from our home, I decided to take a drive a few miles away. Sure glad I did!

Thank You LORD!

When I got home, this is what I saw from the driveway.

I am one happy girl tonight :) What an awesome way to end a Sunday.

I read recently in Psalms and boy did I get a wake-up call! God sure told me that I, me, Chelsea, was taking the lead and trying to fulfill my own wants and needs. He pointed the question, "Chelsea, am I satisfying your life? Or are you doing that all on your own?" Wow. Am I? Yes, I guess I have been slacking. Did God just set me straight? Big time. So let me ask you this... are you truly, 100% letting God be in control of your life? Is He the satisfaction in your life? Or are you filling that need with something else, on your own? Then God opened up Psalm 25:4-5. " Shew me thy ways, O Lord; teach me thy paths. Lead me in thy truth, and teach me: for thou art the God of my salvation; on thee do I wait all the day." Again, wow. First, God was showing me that I wasn't letting Him be in charge, and then He was telling me that I need to stop what I'm doing and look and follow. Easier said then done. But so much better than living life my way! Yes Lord, I will follow you and learn from you. Teach me. Guide me. You are my hope for each day! I think I should really start praying these two verses everyday. Isn't that a great way to start off the day? Lord, today show what I did to do, learn and go. Teach me and I will listen. Take me and I will follow. 

I hope you have a blessed Labor Day! Love and Blessings- Chels

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