Thursday, November 24, 2011

So Many Reasons...

There are so many reasons to be thankful today.  A house, warmth, food, clothes, a car, etc. But I'm so thankful for many other things. You see, one year ago today, I was fighting hard with God. I was yelling at Him. I was hurt and blamed all that hurt on Him. I was lost and confused and did NOT want to see the reason behind it all. But yet, God loved me through it. He could have wiped His hands of me and let me sit in a pit of self pity. But He didn't. Nor would He have. He picked me up, wiped the tears out of my eyes, and told me He loved me over and over again. I was still kicking Him in pain, even as I heard His voice explaining to me the reason why my world was turned upside down.

Looking back, I can clearly see God was working these months in advance. I know I saw this coming, but decided to ignore it. I let myself get in control inside of God. The funny thing is, if you can call it funny, the whole reason behind all of this was a simple lesson. All God was telling me to do was TRUST HIM. Seriously? That's why You got my attention? Like this no less? I felt about this small  . I had to choke down a lot of pride and my poor family and friends had so see me suffer through this learning process.

I'm not upset or angry.  But I would not change anything that happened, either. I can firmly say that I know God put all this in motion. I wasn't going crazy when I thought God had put all that stuff on my heart and was leading me in that direction. And now, God has helped me become such a stronger Christian and woman after His heart.

All day today I was thinking about what happened one year ago today. There was no pain, no anger, just a very thankful heart for where God has led me. I am now so excited to see where He is leading me because it will be better than I could have ever imagined. I brought this whole thing up today to mom and she said she was thinking about it too, but did not want to say anything in front of me. I'm so thankful we had a few uninterrupted minutes where we could talk and I could tell her how thankful I am for how God worked during this last year.

So thank you Lord, for teaching me such a simple lesson in a big and very hard way. I don't think there would have been a better way to get my attention than like You did. You are my Prince of Peace, my Comforter, my Rock and High Tower. So Lord, today I am thankful for what You did in my  life one year ago today.

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