Thursday, June 2, 2011


Today I got my application to graduate in Spring 2012. What?! I mean it's June 2, 2011! I'm so ready to graduate, but now that I have my application (and already filled it out and waiting to sign 'the date' so I don't look too antsy :) ) it's becoming real. I mean, I'll be done with school, done with summers off (not that my summers are off with work anyway), done with projects, done with dealing with classmates ;). I'll just be done...Correction, I'll be Chelsea R. Williamson, CMA thrown into the work force at the age of 21. Kinda scary right? Am I  really ready to be done with school and go out into the 'real world'? I'm definitely ready to be done with school, but it's the real world that's scaring me. I better throw on my smiling face and my courtesy and try to remember everything I've learned.

.....What am I talking about, I still have 11 months :)

Enough personal sob stories, how about a fill good pic-

I took this picture in California this past March while visiting my grandparents. I loved it so much I turned the picture into a note card on If you haven't checked out before, do it!

May Peace be with you always :) 

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