Saturday, June 11, 2011

Happy Birthday Grandma!

Today is my Grandma Williamson's 70th birthday! To celebrate the whole family (minus two cousins) went to Bryan, Ohio and ate at Mohre's. We've never been there but the food was pretty good. There were some pretty memorable times to say the least. The best part was my cousin Blair ordering....Bacon and Cheese Waffle fries. There's something you need to know about my cousin Blair. Blair loves bacon. All kinds of bacon. She probably loves bacon more than anything else. (Well maybe that's not true, but you get the point). Blair went nuts. The plate was HUGE! It was probably a good 5 pounds of waffle fries. Well she ate all but 15 fries. And the fries were soo good, too.

On the way home all five of us girl cousins drove in our van (yep, we are test driving a van). Thanks mom for putting up with all our laughter :) It was a great time and the five of us haven't been together like that in a long, long time. We laughed the whole way home. I love those girls and I wished we were together more. Why can't we be little again? Now, Brenna lives in Toledo, Taylor just graduated  high school, Maddie turns 16 next week (YIKES!)  and Blair will be going into high school  this fall. Thanks girls for such a good night together and HAPPY BIRTHDAY GRANDMA JANET!

This afternoon I had the privilege of "watching" the cutest 2 year old ever during his uncle's wedding. The plan was for little L to stand up with the guys (he was the ring bearer) as long as possible, then go to grandma, and then go to me if needed. Well little L didn't like it at first, but I finally got him calmed down and he stole the show while Uncle H and Aunt C were lighting the Unity Candle. He just walked around with fruit snacks in his hands! Oh , I love this little dude. The cutest thing is that I am "L's Chelsea" :) He melts my heart and he knows it. Thanks Greg and Rach for letting me help out at your brother's wedding and letting me be a part of little L's life and congrats Harvey and Caci!

On a side note, I'm hoping two of my lovely cousins will help me plan out a photo shoot tomorrow evening for my friend's engagement pictures. I hope my ideas are as good in picture as they are in my mind...

Thursday, June 2, 2011


Today I got my application to graduate in Spring 2012. What?! I mean it's June 2, 2011! I'm so ready to graduate, but now that I have my application (and already filled it out and waiting to sign 'the date' so I don't look too antsy :) ) it's becoming real. I mean, I'll be done with school, done with summers off (not that my summers are off with work anyway), done with projects, done with dealing with classmates ;). I'll just be done...Correction, I'll be Chelsea R. Williamson, CMA thrown into the work force at the age of 21. Kinda scary right? Am I  really ready to be done with school and go out into the 'real world'? I'm definitely ready to be done with school, but it's the real world that's scaring me. I better throw on my smiling face and my courtesy and try to remember everything I've learned.

.....What am I talking about, I still have 11 months :)

Enough personal sob stories, how about a fill good pic-

I took this picture in California this past March while visiting my grandparents. I loved it so much I turned the picture into a note card on If you haven't checked out before, do it!

May Peace be with you always :)