Saturday, February 25, 2012

So I am super terrible at this whole blogging thing, but in all fairness to me, life has been so crazy lately. I seriously think I meet myself coming and going all week long. BUT  the best part, we leave for vacation this coming Friday!!! My family has really never, and I mean never, taken a vacation of just the four of us for more than two days before. Anytime we have gone (which is few) has always been with my grandparents. So I'm super duper excited that we get to spend some quality time together and relax!

But don't fear, my super crazy life will be waiting for me when I get home. The next week I have a good friend getting married, projects due, stress,  papers due, stress, homework, stress, work, stress, externship, and a lovely evening out with this good friend before she ties the knot. The last part is what I'm looking forward to the most. :)

Ok, so on a more serious note, God has been really been showing me lately just how big He is.  I feel like the scripture I've been reading has been God saying, "Chels, hey you know I'm big right? Like big enough to make the hills and mountains low and the crooked places straight (Isaiah 40) ? Don't worry, I know  your worries and I feel them on My heart. I hear every prayer and I do answer them,but in the way I see fit. Let me take the reins, because where I want you to go is so good (Jeremiah 17)! I promise to lead you Chels where you will be fine and where it will be a blessing.  Let Me heal your wounds and carry your burden. That's what I'm here for."

Wow. God you have been so awesome lately. I don't know exactly what I'm going through, but I'm so glad that I can hear what You want me to know. The best part about it is that along with all these scriptures God has been showing me, are scriptures that I feel like I need to pray for myself. Through our most joyous or helpless times, God is there with us. Sometimes we can't feel Him, but we just need to open the door and invite Him in. I still get amazed at how emotional I can get when I really think about His love for us. It's hard to put into words everything He has done. When you can fell His arms wrap around you and you get that feeling that everything is going to be okay because you are letting God in control, it's priceless.