Saturday, January 7, 2012

A Little Bit of Everything

This June, I will be going to Italy on a little vacation to celebrate graduating from college! I'm soooooooooooo excited!!!! This trip has been talked about for quite some time now, but to actually plan it and book the trip is another thing. I seriously have been on my computer everyday this week looking up information, travel tips, etc. AAAHHH hurry up June!

Anyway on with my life :) HAPPY NEW YEAR! Yeah I'm a week late and really having blogged since Thanksgiving, but life's been busy. Over my three week break from school, I had 1 day. ONE DAY that I didn't have anything going on or had to go somewhere. Ugh, that's not a relaxing break if you ask me. And over break the Home Health Agency that I did my externship at offered me a part-time job and wanted me to  come in and observe for a few days. I don't have the job yet, and I may not even get it. But I'm just praying and trusting in God that He will lead me and if He wants me there now, He'll open all the right doors.

There's a wedding going on this weekend out in California at my grandparent's church of some pretty awesome people. I've known B since I was really little and we'd play together every summer when we would go out for a visit. I'm so happy for her and even more excited she will be just 45 minutes away now. I love California when my grandparents live. It's a little slice of heaven. Well, to me being a Midwestern girl, any place with some ocean is heaven :) I just saw of friend of mine posting on Facebook that he is in Cali for this wedding and went to the beach and it made me want to be at the beach too! So here's a picture of me at the beach from last March when mom and I went out.

I hope this year is filled with good news, rejoicing, positivity, and good weather in Italy in June :)