Monday, August 1, 2011


Well I didn't realize that when I started this blog I would hardly, well blog. I've gone almost two whole months and only made three blog posts! Yikes! I promise to do better... I hop :)

Well my last month and a half since I've blogged has been crazy busy. I taught Bible School this year in the 4 year old class. I loved it! Sure teaching 14- 4 year olds with only three total teachers is tough, but totally worth it. Once of the cutest things I heard all week was one girl telling another she had cooties. The little responded, " I don't have cooties, Satan has cooties. If you like Satan, then you're bad." The other little girl said, " You're right, Satan does have cooties and he IS bad!" Yes girls, Satan does have cooties and I pray that you stay far, far away from him.

One day we were outside for our much needed play time. (It's amazing how much I looked forwarded to getting the kids outside too.) Well, in typical Bible School fashion, there was a storming forming and it started to thunder. We decided to take the kids in early for snack because the kids where getting scared of the thunder. As we were walking back into church, one boy said, "thunder comes with tornados and I know what tornados are. I've seen a tornado before!" Thanks to God that THIS didn't frighten the rest of the kids!

Well the Friday night program, which the three teachers dreaded, went off without a hitch and the kids were great. We colored, read books, and ate lots of Goldfish and pretzels! These kids melted my heart each and every day. I just pray that the stories we told them, songs we sung, and our joy for our Lord and Savior stays with the kiddos for life and that some day they too lay down their life at the Cross.

Next, came 4th of July! We somehow convinced Dad to close the market at noon and LEAVE the house for the rest of the day. We took him Defiance for some go-karting, putt-putt, ice cream, and then we just drove around the surrounding counties have some fun family time. Most people probably think that we have a lot of family time since we work together- but we really don't. Working together and spending time together is two totally different things. We don't get to take a family vacation every year like most families and we can't just take a weekend getaway. So this was a big deal! I'm so thankful we had this time and it was so much fun... and much needed on everyone's part.

Well I guess since it's been so long, I've having trouble remembering what all happened...

Let's see......


I took my friend's engagement pictures the end of June. They turned out awesome! Here's just a few..

I love these cute signs I made for this shoot

Ahh I love this one. Kayla you are beautiful!

My personal favorite

This was so much fun! Thanks Joel and Kayla for trusting me with taking your engagement pictures!

I think I will post the rest of my month on a different blog...really soon. I promise!