Sunday, May 29, 2011

Hello World!

Well I finally broke down and started a blog. For what reason you may ask? None. No reason except to share my joys, sorrows, and tribulations with anyone who reads this sad blog. I don't really expect many to read this, but if you do... Enjoy!

I guess I should explain my blog's title. I was writing a little "Thinking of You" card to my cousin who just moved away from home for school. As I was flipping through my Bible trying to find some verses that would uplift her, I came across a highlighted verse. Luke 12:34. 'For where your treasure is, there will you heart be also.' I love this verse. It's just so matter-a-fact. What you (I) love most, treasure the most, can't seem to live without is where your (my) heart will be. It really makes me think about myself everytime I read this verse. I check myself. What is your treasure Chelsea? I would love to answer, "Well it's my Lord and Savior " everytime. However, things seem to get in the way. Things like school, projects, work, etc. So, maybe everytime I post something on here, or someone stumbles across this, what matters most will become the treasure in the heart.